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Metadata Tokens in the Web-based Publisher in Backlight 2 and 3

Metadata Tokens are used to define the display of image metadata within albums. These may be used in designated places within album templates.

Our Web-based Publisher in Backlight 2 and 3 supports all of the tokens defined on this page. See Metadata Tokens in Lightroom's Publish Services Publisher for information on supported tokens in Lightroom. See Metadata Tokens in Backlight 4 for information on supported tokens in Backlight 4.

The following metadata tokens are currently supported by our web-based Publisher:

Photo Date

YYYYThe year the photo was taken, as a four-digit string
YYThe year the photo was taken, as a two-digit string
MMThe month the photo was taken, as a two-digit string
DDThe day of the month the photo was taken, as a two-digit string
HHThe hour value for the time the photo was taken, in 24-hour notation, as a two-digit string
MINThe minute value for the time the photo was taken, as a two-digit string
SSThe seconds value for the time the photo was taken, as a two-digit string
MonThe month the photo was taken, as a localized three-character string
MonthThe month the photo was taken, as a localized string
DateThe day of the month the photo was taken, as one- or two-digit string
D1The full date of the photo, in the system-localized short format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "2010-03-24". Available only in Lr3 or later.
D2The full date of the photo, in the system-localized medium format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "Mar 24, 2010". Available only in Lr3 or later.
D3The full date of the photo, in the system-localized long format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "March 24, 2010". Available only in Lr3 or later.
T1The full time-of-day of the photo, in the system-localized short format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "3:38 PM". Available only in Lr3 or later.
T2The full time-of-day of the photo, in the system-localized long format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "3:38:02 PM". Available only in Lr3 or later.

Current Date

yyyyThe current year as a four-digit string
yyThe current year as a two-digit string
mmThe current month as a two-digit string
ddThe current day of the month as a two-digit string
hhThe current hour value, as a two-digit string
minThe current minute value, as a two-digit string
ssThe current seconds value, as a two-digit string
monThe current month, as a localized three-character string
monthThe current month, as a localized string
dateThe current day of the month, as one- or two-digit string
d1The current full date, in the system-localized short format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "2010-03-23". Available only in Lr3 or later.
d2The current full date, in the system-localized medium format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "Mar 23, 2010". Available only in Lr3 or later.
d3The current full date, in the system-localized long format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "March 23, 2010". Available only in Lr3 or later.
t1The current full time-of-day, in the system-localized short format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "3:38 PM". Available only in Lr3 or later.
t2The current full time-of-day, in the system-localized long format that you can set in your operating system's preferences dialog. On my system this is something along the lines of "3:38:02 PM". Available only in Lr3 or later.

File Names and Paths

FilenameThe filename – without path and without extension – of the exported copy

Lens / Camera / Exposure

ApertureThe photo's aperture value, formatted like "f/4.5"
FlashOne of "no flash", "flash fired", or "unknown flash".
ShutterSpeedThe shutter speed, formatted like "¹⁄₂₅₀ sec".


LatitudeLatitude, as a floating-point number. Use "Places", e.g. {Latitude:Places=4}, to limit precision.
LongitudeLongitude, as a floating-point number. Use "Places", e.g. {Longitude:Places=4}, to limit precision.

Other Metadata

CaptionThe "Caption" metadata string
CategoryThe photo's "IPTC > Category" metadata item in Lightroom's database.
KeywordsThe list of the photo's marked-for-export keywords, separated by commas. (Actually, there's a comma+space pair between each keyword, so it's "plant, rose, flower" and not "plant,rose,flower".)
TitleThe "Title" metadata item

TTG Publisher Exclusive

These tokens are original additions to TTG Publisher, and will not cross over to Jeffrey's export plugins.

CellNumberOutputs the sequential number of the image in the gallery. The first image is 1, the second image is 2, etc.
NumImagesOutputs the total number of images in the gallery.


date: Mon={Mon}, Month={Month}, Date={Date} => date: Mon=Jan, Month=January, Date=20

date: HH={HH}, MIN={MIN}, SS={SS} => date: HH=21, MIN=42, SS=34

date: D1={D1}, D2={D2}, D3={D3} => date: D1=2018-01-20, D2=Jan 20, 2018, D3=January 20, 2018

date: {YY}/{MM}/{DD} {T1} => date: 18/01/20 9:42 PM

date: {YYYY}/{MM}/{DD} {T2} => date: 2018/01/20 9:42:34 PM

The shutter speed: {ShutterSpeed}, the aperture: {Aperture}, the flash: {Flash}, date: {YY}/{MM}/{DD} {T2} => The shutter speed: 1/250, the aperture: 4, the flash: unknown flash, date: 18/01/20 9:42:34 PM

The category: {Category}, The filename: {Filename}, the label: {Label}, the latitude: {Latitude}, the longitude: {Longitude} => The category: , The filename: , the label: , the latitude: , the longitude:

A walk {Title:LC} in the {Caption:UC|Title:LC|"Boo"} with another {Title} => A walk in the MODEL EUNJEONG KANG, MAKE-UP ARTIST DOT MOORE , CLOTHING FRECKLESEOUL with another

The title {Title}, the {Missing|"Default"} and the {Title|"Wardrobe"} => The title , the Default and the Wardrobe

A passthru for {CellNumber} and {NumImages} => A passthru for {CellNumber} and {NumImages}