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Protected Photos

New! in Backlight 5.

Individual photos may be designated as "protected".

Albums may contain a mix of protected (private) and unprotected (public) images. To the general public, only unprotected images will be displayed. Optionally, allow users to view protected images by inputting a password.

Photos may be assigned the protected status from within Backlight's Publisher, during album management, or by tagging images with a specific keyword in Lightroom, when using Lightroom's Publish Services to manage albums.

For Lightroom users, the default keyword is "protected", though you may change this in Backlight's settings. Customize your keyword, and access related settings on Backlight's Settings page, under the "Privacy" heading.

Setup albums for protected images

When creating or editing an album, look under the "Privacy" control group to set how the album should handle protected images.

First, set the general Visibility for the album.

Depending on your choice for Visibility, you will see one of the following options:

  • Enable log-in to view protected photos
  • Logged-in users can view protected photos

Enable the option.

For "Public" and "Protected" albums, be sure to set an access code.

For more information, see Public vs. Private Albums.

Assigning the "protected" status to photos in Backlight

To designate photos as protected, visit Backlight's Publisher, then navigate into the album containing the photos you'd like to protect. In the image grid, select any photos you wish to protect, then click the green "Protect" button, located above the grid. To unprotect a protected image, select it, then press the "Unprotect" button.